Small Business Loans

Small Business Loans at First State Bank

Grow Your Business with a Homegrown Loan


Need Assistance with Funding Your Next Business Purchase?

Since 1905, First State Bank has been lending our community’s local businesses a helping hand when it comes to financing their business needs. If your small business needs a financial kick-start, look no further than First State Bank. Our experienced lenders can work with you to provide your company with the customized Small Business Loan it needs. Whether yours is a new business that’s just getting started or a small business trying to grow and expand, First State Bank would be happy to tailor a loan to your business’ needs. We can assist with the following, plus more:
Serving North and Central Texas, our loan staff will help you determine the specific financing options your business needs to thrive.

Apply for a Small Business Loan Today

Visit the branch location nearest you, or call us (940) 665-1711 or (940) 349-5444 today with questions. We are here for you, just like we have been there for small business owners in the community for more than a century.

First State Prime Rate

Effective Date Rate
12/19/24 8.00%

The above posted interest rate may apply to Business, Agricultural and Real Estate Loans.
Daughter showing father phone

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