First State Bank Sherman Business Development Board - Meet Robin Phillips

Robin Phillips

Over the next few months, we’ll be introducing each of our Sherman Business Development Board members! Every member of this board cares deeply about our Sherman community and helps our team make decisions with our neighbors’ needs in mind. 

It’s important that these individuals share the values and goals we have here at First State Bank, and Robin is a perfect example of that. Not only does she treat the Sherman community like family, but she wants to see our neighborhood grow and prosper. 

Since moving to Sherman in 1994 with her infant son and husband, Robin has enjoyed getting involved in any way she could. Between church and several other local boards, she has made a huge impact on this town in the past 27 years. Aside from her volunteer work, she’s been able to raise a family, make lifelong friends and now work as a Realtor, promoting a place that she loves every single day. 

To Robin, family is everything. It’s her foundation. It’s an environment to grow and succeed. It’s the people who mean the most to her. And she wants everyone in the Sherman community to feel this when they walk into their local bank, which is why she feels so passionately about helping our team reach more people.

First State Bank has always been a part of her family – her parents are longtime customers. When we approached her about joining the board, she was so excited and ready to see our bank expand to new heights. “When I was asked to join, I knew this was a group I wanted to see grow and be successful in Sherman” – Robin Phillips. Thanks to her deep roots within the community, she’s had the opportunity to meet and know many of our customers. She can confidently recommend businesses and services, and wants to use her influence to direct people to First State Bank.

We’re so excited to have Robin as a member of our Sherman Business Development Board. If you see her around town, be sure to say hello!

To learn more about our Sherman Business Development Board, click here.